Social Services Workers Comp


Specialty Workers' Compensation Programs

Expand Business Opportunities with Specific Industry Workers’ Comp Programs

As an insurance agent or broker, you specialize in certain classes of businesses, targeting accounts in areas where you have built a wealth of knowledge and experience in providing a comprehensive insurance program. An integral part of that program should include Workers’ Compensation insurance. Many of the carriers with which you partner to provide commercial general liability, property, and other key coverages may not write the Workers’ Comp for your specialized niches…or, perhaps you are looking to expand your footprint into growth industries and need a Comp market to do so.
At Associated Insurance Specialty Agency (ASIA), we can help you expand your marketing opportunities and retain existing clients. As a leading Workers’ Comp wholesaler, we have several markets that specialize in a different industries, including tough classes, which can help you round out existing accounts and generate new business for agency growth. These targeted industries include:

Artisan Contractors

Carpentry, Flat Cement work, Plumbing, Electrical, Drywall, etc.

Auto Related

New and Used Car Dealerships, Gas & Stations, Auto Repair, Car Wash, Auto Body, etc.


Nursing Homes, Independent Living Facilities, Assisted Living, Hospice Care, Home Healthcare, Hospitals, etc.


Restaurants, Fast Food, Hotels, Resorts, Golf Courses, Country Clubs, etc.


Plastics, Clothing, Beverages, Confectionary/Candy, Food Sundries, Metal Products, etc.

Professional Services

Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, Accountants, Insurance Agents, Computer Programmers, etc.


Bakeries, Barbers, Grocery Stores, Convenience Stores, Hardware Stores, etc.

Social Services

Group Homes, Boys & Girls Clubs, Day Care (both Child & Adult), Residential Care Facilities, Museums, etc.